
What do you see…

Below is a painting that started as a monochrome flower and turned into something unexpectedly delightful. When we couldn’t get what we were striving for we decided to tilt the paint off the canvas and see if something would develop and we soon discovered a captivating new form that grabbed our attention.

At the Bossier City Farmers Market, Edward decided to post it on Facebook to hear what people thought. The variety of responses ranged from fascinating to a bit quirky. Realizing its potential as a conversation starter, we decided to feature it in our booth at various craft fairs and markets. This way, we could chat with our customers and enjoy their diverse perspectives on our unique piece.

SO, what do you see in the painting below? Keep scrolling to see what others have seen and fill in the form to get your thoughts posted on our page. Lagom (noun) The principle of living a balanced, moderately paced, low-fuss life: those who achieve lagom routinely take time to appreciate their surroundings, take several breaks during the workday, dress from a minimal and versatile wardrobe, and treat others with respect and kindness


  • After spending two fabulous months with my in-laws at their home in Stockholm, I’ve decided I need to bring some lagom into my hectic American life
  • Swedes used to pride themselves on their sense of moderation, what they referred to as lagom.

Comments from FACEBOOK

“The reaper” Gloria C.

“A mad horse” Cindy C.

“A Cave” Theresa C.

“Long-haired person” Ben C.

“What to who? I see the dude Grim” Diego C.

“A hooded hermit scavenging a dead body while a goblin/imp watches beside him. One ticket to the insane asylum please!” Gabriel C.

“An angel/fairy with her elbow on her knee and her hand in the air in the “whatever” position” Michelle Cavazos

“An angel with wings, her elbow on her knee and hand out”. Edward Cavazos

“I see the reaper” Ana O.

“I see an angle playing the maracas above the reaper. Anyone else?” Roberto R.

“I see a woman smoking a pipe” Ben C.

“I see the entrance to a cave” Yolanda W.

“Glaciers” Andrew C.

“Grim reaperish type figure holding a fish” Tiffany D.

“I see a pie” Willie V.

“I see a severed arm” Richard C.

MECava Web Site Comments

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