Who is MEcava


MEcava is a combination of our names, Michelle and Edward Cavazos. Edward and I have been married for more years than Edward likes to disclose. We have one son, that lives out of state and has one child of his own. She is our first and only grandchild.

Ask MEcava a question… MEcavaArt@gmail.com

MEcava Paintings

We have created MECavaArt so that we can share our hand painted original abstract art. Our abstract art is most often a beautiful accident. We do not always know what we are going to get.

Edward has also been creating some out-of-this-world planet art. Some planets are all spray paint while some others are created from our abstract pieces; that makes a very interesting planet surface.


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Deep Tones Cross 2

MEcava Jewelry/Wire Art

Michelle has also started creating original hand crafted wire pieces. There are a variety of sun catchers with large crystals. We also offer beaded wire spiders, scorpions, crawfish, butterflies, etc. You will also find a mix of spiritual jewelry including chakra stones. There is a large variety of Rosary/Spiritual beads that have all been hand beaded and have either a bronze or silver crucifix.

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